The theme of this policy: “Strengthening the Cooperative sector for wealth creation,
employment and prosperity”, provides the policy framework for co-operative
development in a dynamic economic environment.

Through this Policy, Government seeks to create a more conducive environment for the
co-operatives to expand, and diversify their activities. More attention is given to
improving governance, enhancing production, value addition and marketing capacities of
the cooperatives. It shall facilitate cooperative development through effective regulation,
continuous technical support and resource mobilization. In addition, it is the wish of the
Government to consolidate the gains arising out of cooperatives and facilitate faster
growth of the co-operative sub-sector play a leading role in poverty eradication,
employment creation and socio-economic transformation of the country.

In developing this policy, due consideration has been made to the various Government
programmes aimed at eradicating poverty through commercialization of agriculture,
provision of rural finance, improved market access, employment creation and

This policy is a result of the wide consultative process involving government officials,
private sector executives, co-operators, academia, donor community and mass media. The
process has been able to bring together both private and public sectors in a solid
partnership for implementing and executing this policy document.

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